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Sultan Composers: Bir Pür-cefâ Hoş Dilberdir; Composer: Sultan Selim III * 1761

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Sultan Composers: Bir pür-cefâ hoş dilberdir; Composer: Sultan Selim III * 1761

Bûselik Şarkı - Bir pür-cefâ hoş dilberdir
bestekâr: Sultan III.Selim Usûl: Evfer

Biography and Family

Selim III is the son of Sultan Mustafa III and Mihrisah Sultana. His mother is originated in Georgia , she was reforming the government schools and establishing political corporations. His father Sultan Mustafa III was very well educated and he was was believing the necessity of a reforms. He was interested about the reformation and sent few soldiers to the west, to read history and to take experience from other governments. Father of Selim the third tried to create powerful army during the peacetime and also to have educated soldiers. He was thinking that the worst disaster would come from Russia to his country. During the Turko -Russian War he had fallen ill and died because of a hearth attack in 1774. Sultan Mustafa was aware of the fact that a military reform was necessary. He declared new military regulations and he opened maritime and artillery academies But the most important thing was that Sultan Mustafa was very influenced by the oracles and as they told his son Selim will be a world-conqueror he organized a feast lasted seven days with great joy. Selim was very well educated in the palace. Sultan Mustafa III bequeathed him as his successor. But, Selim's uncle Abdulhamid I ascended the throne after Sultan Mustafa III. Sultan Abdulhamid I had taken care of Selim and put great emphasis on his education. After Abdulhamid's death Selim succeeded him on 7th April 1789, in his 28th year. Sultan Selim III was very fond of literature and calligraphy; many of his works were put on the walls of mosques and convents. He had spoken Arabic and Persian fluently. Selim III was very religious, and very patriotic. He was a talented poet and a brilliant musician, also very fond of fine arts. Selim was a very modern man and a reformist ruler. He was planning to modernize the Ottoman Empire. When he was acceded, his people revealed their respect to him and they were very hopeful about his administrations. The Ottoman people hoped that this young modern sultan would have brought back the victorious days of the empire. Prince Selim developed plans for modernizing the Ottoman army. [1] came to the throne during the 1787--92 war with Austria and Russia and had to postpone serious reform efforts until its completion. Selim's early efforts to modernize the Janissary corps created such opposition that thereafter he concentrated on creating a new European-style army , using modern weapons and tactics developed in Europe. Officers and military experts sent by the different European powers that were competing for the sultan's support trained in Istanbul and in a number of Anatolian provincial centers this new force, never numbering more than 10,000 active soldiers.[2] In order to avoid disrupting the established Ottoman institutions, it was financed by an entirely new treasury whose revenues came from taxes imposed on previously untaxed sources and from the confiscation whose holders were not fulfilling their military and administrative duties to the state. Under the guidance of European technicians, factories were erected to manufacture modern weapons and ammunition, and technical schools were opened to train Ottoman officers. Limited efforts also were made to rationalize the Ottoman administrative machinery, but largely along traditional lines. The older military corps, however, remained intact and hostile to the new force, and Selim was therefore compelled to limit its size and use. Selim III left the throne to Mustafa on 29th May 1807 and he died a year 2 months later. The men of the new sultan during Alemdar Pasha Events killed him. His was buried in Laleli Mosque near his father's tomb. Selim III was very fond of literature and poetry. He wrote many poems, especially, he wrote very effective verses about Crimea's occupation by the Russian.

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