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Soap Erupts In Microwave - Cool Science Experiment - Explosive Result

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Merhaba Sevgili Ziyaretçilerimiz;

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Put a bar of Ivory Soap in the microwave and nuke it and what do you get? An amazingly fun reaction. It looks like you are exploding a bar of soap and the result resembles a white lava flow (or an amazing blob). This little experiment is easy, reasonably safe & definitely fun. Everyone I have done this for is awed and amazed. You quite literally expand a bar of Ivory Soap to 10 times its original size (and yet it weighs less - reason explained below). This is truly good, clean fun for the whole family!

The microwave I used for this video was donated to me for use in a deconstruction video so that I can show "what's inside" a microwave oven (this will be a future video). Before I take it apart I want to run some experiments, like this one. This activity will fill the house with a pretty strong smell of Ivory Soap but don't worry, it is just a clean smell which will eventually go away. I have also found that the smell does not stay in the microwave and does not leave an effect on food. Once "nuked" the blob is hot so let it cool before handling. As you turn it to powder you will want to be careful about stirring up soap dust; you probably don't want to breath in allot of the dust. Please recall that I ran this for only 2 minutes; always keep an eye on your microwave and make sure to stop when the expansion stops.

Ivory Soap Fun Facts: Yes, Ivory Soap floats. When made it is whipped to the point that it is filled with air molecules trapped within the soap. So the very reason why it floats is exactly why it works so great in this experiment. "Nuking" your soap causes the water molecules to be heated and turned to steam, the air molecules are released and the resultant steam/air is forced out through the soap material forcing it to expand in dramatic fashion. Since other soaps are not whipped full of air like Ivory, they will not have this effect.
- Originally the owners of Ivory Soap said that the "soap that floats" was a happy accident caused by an employee who accidentally left a batch of soap mixing for too long. Apparently, many years later, a lab notebook was discovered in which one of the original Proctor & Gamble scientists wrote that he made floating soap.


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