Laptop Display Not Working? 3 Possible Solutions To Do Yourself
Merhaba Sevgili Ziyaretçilerimiz;
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Make sure to always back up your computer. Here is the best easiest solution for computer/'laptop back up:
In this video i explain three possible solutions to a blank, black, not working laptop display which you can do yourself before bringing it to a professional.
1) Drain "ALL" excess charge from the laptop (you would be surprised how many laptops display will fire up from this simple step). Then fire the laptop back up.
2) you may have a corrupted RAM/memory chip (or your RAM/memory slot could be dirty or corrupted) Change the RAM and/or change RAM slots. I even solved display issues on a PC with this step. If you don't have a spare RAM chip, order one, its cheap now days. Just make sure you buy the correct one. Below are common RAM chips for cheap.
3) Sync an external monitor to replace the display from the laptop. Hook up the laptop to an external monitor then press a toggle key (ex. FN+F5, or F4, or F10 depending on your laptop. You can do this with a blank laptop display.
If these steps dont resolve your issue then it could be the back light display, inverter, video card, mother board, loose connections or many other possible causes. Hold a bright flashlight up to the monitor and check if you can see any slightest information displayed on the screen. If you can see any faint/light information it is probably just the back light or inverter. Not so difficult to do this yourself, google it. Post a comment if you need help or which one of the 3 steps resolved your issue.
PS. if your PCs display does not come on, try to reset the cmos/bios. I just assisted a youtuber with his issue and he simply reset the jumpers on his PC and everything is back up and running now.
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