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How To Fix Blue Screen Of Death Stop Error 0x00000050

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Merhaba Sevgili Ziyaretçilerimiz;

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Follow this step by step guide to learn what causes the error 0x00000050. Furthermore, learn how to fix this error.

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In this tutorial, we will teach you how to fix the Blue Screen of Death Stop Error 0x00000050.
The error "0x00000050" occurs when a pool corruption occurs in the Srvnet.sys file. It is called Microsoft server network driver file.

Step 1 -- Why does the error occur

The srvnet.sys process should not be deleted or prevented from loading each time the Windows loads. Causing a hindrance might cause errors. This error suddenly appears when your windows is booting in normal condition and then restarts your system automatically.

Step 2 -- Download hotfix

Once the system will boot up in normal condition, download the hotfix for this error from the support site of Microsoft.
Once you have clicked on the Hotfix Download Available button,

Step 3 -- Provide email address

You will be redirected to another page where you will have to provide your email address. A link to the hotfix will be emailed to you.

Step 4 -- Unzip the hotfix file

Once you have downloaded the hotfix, double click to unzip the file and specify the location where you want the extracted file to be available. For the purpose of this tutorial, we will extract the file to our Desktop.

Step 5 -- Windows Update Standalone Installer

Next, double click on the hotfix file in order to open it. As a result, the Windows Update Standalone Installer will appear on your screen. Click on the Yes button to continue further.

Step 6 -- Fix the error with hotfix

Once you are done, the Download and Install Update Window will open up and will initialize and install the Hotfix.
We went to the Microsoft website and downloaded the hotfix for this problem because we cannot install or copy the Srvnet.sys system file separately.
This hotfix will install the updated driver file on your computer and update the corrupted file.
Once the installation has been completed, it is recommended to restart your computer so that the changes can take effect. In this manner, you can fix the blue screen of death stop Error 0x00000050.

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