Card Cutting - 1 Hand Squeeze Cut - Card Manipulation Tutorial
Merhaba Sevgili Ziyaretçilerimiz;
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DIY Magic just for fun! Learn some fun beginner card handling skills in a few easy steps. Great start to learning card manipulation for use in card magic, card games, poker night with your friends or just playing around (aka "showing off"). Watch the overview of 4 card moves that can be done with one hand and then learn the third in the series; how to complete a squeeze cut with a deck of cards using only one hand. Check out the step by step instructions, practice each step and "wash - rinse - repeat" as necessary (i.e. practice and re-watch the video for reminders).
This one handed squeeze deck cut video will help you to learn the basics that you can use to Dial In the other one handed card moves & future card skills and tricks. I originally learned all of these moves and more mostly for fun and showing off... but, then I learned to combine it with lifts, palms and other techniques when performing some pretty cool card tricks. These types of card flourishes can be used for misdirection when you are working some magic or just trying to clean up at the poker table.
Previous Videos:
Card Cutting Tutorial - 1 hand double cut - Fun with a Deck of Cards (
Fun with a Deck of Cards - Card Cutting - Learn a 1 hand single cut (
Note: in this video I use a standard, bicycle deck of playing cards that were basically new. New cards work better when you need them to slide easily (you can use an old deck too but if you have a new one, then I recommend it). Warm up your deck (loosen it up) by shuffling several times first then practice as often as you can. I used to practice while watching TV; it helps to strengthen your hands and fingers.
Please note that while I typically think of DIY as "making something" I do also include teaching myself new skills in the area of Do It Yourself. This applies to skills in the workshop, for arts & crafts as well as for entertaining (even if I am just entertaining myself). I also used to make my own DIY magic props, supplies and tricks... but it is good to start with some good, basic skills. I hope you enjoy and have fun manipulating cards!
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