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Dans & Bale

  • 06:28 Popüler Martin And Marielle Astound With Their Dancing | Week 4 Auditions | Britain's Got Talent 2013

    Martin And Marielle Astound With Their Dancing | Week 4 Auditions | Britain's Got Talent 2013

    ekleyen Admin Ekleme Tarihi 5,482 İzlenme / 0 Beğeniler

    "Incredible!" Martin and Marielle impress the Judges You'll feel dizzy just watching tiny Marielle tossed into the air by Martin. Simon says their act is "one of the best things I've seen on this show." Watch it again and see plenty more full BGT clips he

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  • 05:28 Popüler Irish Dance Group - Irish Step Dancing (Riverdance) 2009

    Irish Dance Group - Irish Step Dancing (Riverdance) 2009

    ekleyen Admin Ekleme Tarihi 5,336 İzlenme / 0 Beğeniler

    Irish Dance Group - Irish Step Dancing (Riverdance) 2009 Riverdance Lead dancers are Nicola Byrne and Alan Kenefick

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  • 04:13 Popüler Back It Up - Prince Royce - Fitness Dance Choreography

    Back It Up - Prince Royce - Fitness Dance Choreography

    ekleyen Admin Ekleme Tarihi 2,921 İzlenme / 0 Beğeniler

    Choreo Sanne Westland Facebook & Instagram: saskiasdansschool

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  • 04:21 Popüler Pick A Ball.mp4

    Pick A Ball.mp4

    ekleyen Admin Ekleme Tarihi 5,988 İzlenme / 0 Beğeniler

    Démonstration de danse country du 2 juillet 2011 chez à Boulogne/Mer par le Nashville Wave Country Club.

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  • 05:57 Popüler Russian Folk  Dance

    Russian Folk Dance

    ekleyen Admin Ekleme Tarihi 10.9k İzlenme / 0 Beğeniler

    Russian Folk Dance "Berezka". Ruso Danza Populare "Beriozka" .Russische Volk Tanz "Berezka" girls

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  • 05:49 Popüler Dance Performance At Bale Bale Magadivoy Audio Launch | Vanitha TV

    Dance Performance At Bale Bale Magadivoy Audio Launch | Vanitha TV

    ekleyen Admin Ekleme Tarihi 3,655 İzlenme / 0 Beğeniler

    Bale Bale Magadivoy is a Telugu film written and directed by Maruthi Dasari and jointly produced by Geetha Arts & UV Creations. It features Nani and Lavanya Tripathi in lead roles. Music is composed by Bangalore Days fame Gopi Sunder. Watch Vanitha TV, th

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  • 04:24 Popüler Pick A Bale Of Cotton Line Dance - July 6, 2013

    Pick A Bale Of Cotton Line Dance - July 6, 2013

    ekleyen Admin Ekleme Tarihi 2,489 İzlenme / 0 Beğeniler Garland Smith is a square dance caller in the Greater Houston Texas area. Garland calls for the Brazos Bottom Belles Square Dance club in Sugar Land Texas and Hanger Squares Square Dance Club in Friendswood Texas. Garland

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  • 06:14 SURDO-DANCE DE BALE ABA PAI (ministério Semear Com Surdos)

    SURDO-DANCE DE BALE ABA PAI (ministério Semear Com Surdos)

    ekleyen Admin Ekleme Tarihi 296 İzlenme / 0 Beğeniler

  • 09:29 Popüler RIMINI DANCE COMPANY Esibizione Di Ballo Al BALE' BALE Del 04 Agosto 2012

    RIMINI DANCE COMPANY Esibizione Di Ballo Al BALE' BALE Del 04 Agosto 2012

    ekleyen Admin Ekleme Tarihi 4,264 İzlenme / 0 Beğeniler

    Tutti a Santarcangelo per "Balé Balé", Festival delle scuole di ballo, un grande evento che, come dice il titolo, sarà improntato esclusivamente sul ballo (romagnolo, nazionale ed internazionale), e si svolgerà il 3 e il 4 agosto a Santarcangelo di Romagn

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  • 04:08 Sergei Polunin,

    Sergei Polunin,

    ekleyen Admin Ekleme Tarihi 227 İzlenme / 0 Beğeniler

    Sergei Polunin "Take me to Church" by Hozier Directed by David LaChapelle Choreography by Jade Hale-Christofi

  • 04:28 Popüler Jennifer Lopez - I'm Glad

    Jennifer Lopez - I'm Glad

    ekleyen Admin Ekleme Tarihi 2,426 İzlenme / 0 Beğeniler

    Jennifer Lopez's official music video for 'I'm Glad'. Click to listen to Jennifer Lopez on Spotify: As featured on This Is Me...Then. Click to buy the track or album via iTunes:

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  • 06:30 Popüler MANICURES & SHUFFLES! Jillian's Dance Performance

    MANICURES & SHUFFLES! Jillian's Dance Performance

    ekleyen Admin Ekleme Tarihi 1,746 İzlenme / 0 Beğeniler

    It's dance recital day for Jillian! And what better way to get ready for the big performance than to get a manicure! This is her first time on a big stage and is excited to show her numbers to all of you! She did a ballet routine called "Finale from Les P

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