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‘Trump’s Wall’ 360° Music Video By 'Donald And The Deplorables' [360][VR]

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Merhaba Sevgili Ziyaretçilerimiz;

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Incoming US President Trump has formed a rock band, “Donald and the Deplorables”. They have released their first YouTube single right on time for Inauguration Day. Similar to Mr Trump’s Facebook wall posts and Twitter feed, this is just another way of communicating his nuanced policy positions directly with constituents. It's sure to be a smash hit!


We don't need no immigration
We don't need no gun control
No left wing judges in the courtroom
China leave our jobs alone
Hey China! Leave our jobs alone

All in all, it's just another post on my wall
All in all, it's just another post on my wall

We don't need no polar ice caps
We don't need no coral reefs
No ugly ladies in our bedroom
Voters leave those facts alone
Hey voters! Leave those facts alone

All in all, it's just another post on my wall
All in all, it's just another post on my wall

We don't need no gays or lesbians
We don't need no TPP
No nasty woman in the White House
Taxman leave my wealth alone
Hey taxman! Leave my wealth alone

All in all, it's just another post on my wall
All in all, it's just another post on my wall

We don't need no establishment
We don't need no stoopid press
No Muslim soldiers in the army
Barrack leave health care alone
Hey Obama! Leave health care alone

Mexico, you better start building that wall
Mexicans, you better start building that wall!

[killer guitar solo with classic Trumpisms]


We love Pink Floyd and 'Another Brick in the Wall Pt.2' was one of the first songs we ever learned to play together as a band. So, it was a load of fun to re-imagine it in honour of the incoming US President Donald Trump.

'Trump's Wall' lyrics written by Perpendicular Columns of Rock (PCoR). Based on Pink Floyd's classic from their 1979 album 'The Wall'.

All music performed and recorded by PCoR using our home recording equipment (Fender, Gibson, Ibanez & Ernie Ball Guitars/Bass, Roland e-drums, Line 6 POD X3L, Reaper, Nuendo).

Video clip filmed on 31st December 2016 (yes that is the last sunset of 2016) at our private rehearsal studio in the countryside using a 360 degree virtual reality (VR) camera.

As with our previous 360 degree VR music videos, this works best with a stereoscopic headset (e.g. Oculus Rift, Samsung Gear VR or equivalent). It should also work on the YouTube mobile app using the phone/tablet to look around, or on a PC running chrome browser, using the mouse to scroll around.

Some photos from the filming of this video:

Hope you enjoy!

If you liked this, please check out our tunes and videos here:

Let me tell ya folks, we got the best satire. No one does parodies like us. #MakeYouTubeGreatAgain #360Video #DonaldAndTheDeplorables #TrumpsWall


P.S. Mr Trump - if you ever see this: please know that no offence is intended. We wish you all the best for your Presidency and sincerely hope that you are indeed able to #MAGA!


Edit 11th January 2017:

If you have any other lyric suggestions, leave them in the comments. If we get enough, we'll record another verse or two!

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